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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Film Lamp Shade

I love lamp

I made this lamp shade for a recycled art contest. It's a cute idea that adds flare to the boring lamps and lights. Because you use developed film the images that were on the film are shown on the wall and surrounding things. Here's how I did it:

1. Buy a lamp with a square lamp shape on it and collect your pre-developed film

2. Using the holes in the edge of your film, stitch the sides together to match the sides of the lamp. do this for each side.

3. After you have your 4 sheets of film, attach it to the top bar of the lamp using your fishing wire. Then continue with the bottom.

4. After you have attatched the top and the bottom, sew together each of the corners like you did the first sheets.

5. There you have it! Be sure not to have your light on for too long to avoid melting/fire. Enjoy!

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