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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harry Potter Scarf...FINISHED

I finished the day of the HBP release. I thought about wearing it to the midnight showing but I quickly decided against it when I got to the theater. You could say I chickened out. I want to make a Slytherin one next, I already have some left over yarn to use.

What did you guys think of Half Bood Prince? It was my favorite so far. It made me want to re-read the series.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Native American Bracelets Revisited

I posted earlier about the Native American bracelets using the spacer bars. Since then I have made a few more Native American like bracelets and I thought I would share them with you. The one on the top is made with clay spacer bars that I made myself Though they are weak, they were cheaper and a fun day project. The ones that are on the bottom bracelet I bought from Fire Mountain Gems.

If you make these types of bracelets, let me see them! They are my favorite to make. Happy Crafting!

Monday, July 13, 2009

New items on etsy!

I recently posted a bunch of new items on Etsy. Here's a peek!